Monday, July 9, 2012

One of my challenges...

This has been a hard battle for me!  It's so ingrained in me, and most of society, to celebrate with food!  And normally, it's bad food!  Something to celebrate usually leads to "lets go to dinner!"  "lets go for drinks!" "let's get dessert!",  Birthdays, weddings, parties in general, holidays, they all tend to have an abundance of not so healthy foods and sweets!  So retraining myself to find other ways to "celebrate" special occasions or accomplishments has not been easy!

I have found some ways to cheat the system, by making "sweets" that fit into my eating plan, but that only works at home!  Take the fourth of July for instance... For dessert we had sugar free angelfood cake, with strawberries and blueberries, sweetened with splenda, and sugar free cool whip topping.  It was delicious, and guilt free.  But it's not that easy if you go to a party at someone else's home, or venue.  Sure, you can "just say no", but then you have to deal with the repercussions.... "it's just one piece of cake!"  "It's a special occasion, it's ok!" etc.  It's hard to be strong and not give in to all that.  I've often found it's easier to just accept the contraband, and then not eat it (the old, break it up, move it around, then get rid of it trick usually works)!

Here is another favorite of mine, that helps curb the sweet tooth, and tastes delicious!  I use nonfat milk, and sugar free pudding so that it works for me.  

I'm making it a goal for myself to make sure that I offer other types of rewards and ways to celebrate for my family..... one of my favorite replacements is shopping ;)

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