Friday, July 27, 2012


Forgive me, but I have to brag a little bit.  I am SO proud of my Mom! She committed to trying my eating plan for one week..... almost 3 weeks ago.  She has since lost about an average of 1.5 lbs a week (I hope I am giving the right number there) and has stuck to the plan!  And, like me, she is a carb lover!  So see, it is possible to give up those chips and breads that you think you can't live without!  As if that wasn't enough reason to be proud of her, this week she started a Kick Boxing class!!!  Mom, you are doing great.  I am so excited to see where this new healthy lifestyle takes you, I knew you could do it!  Keep up the good work!

Speaking of being proud, I am proud of Carrie and I, too!  Wow, so much pride today, ha!  After stadiums this morning I met up with Carrie for a run.  Week 6, day 3.... Run 25 minutes. We decided we would do it, and just see how far we could go and do our best.  Well, we did it!!  25 minutes, no stopping.  We completed 2.9 miles at an average of 11:30 a mile.  It calculates our 5 minute warm up walk and 5 minute cool down walk into that average unfortunately, so that brings down our time, but the important thing is we accomplished it, and we didn't think we would!  

So yesterday I stuck to my plan and I did weights in the afternoon, only I went to the gym and did them because I wanted a step, and I wanted dumbells. I worked my Chest and biceps most, with a little legs and one set of triceps. Here is the routine I made:

Warm Up
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 second jump rope
30 seconds side punch
30 seconds front punch
30 second butt kickers
30 second squats

For sets 1-3: do 15 reps of each unless otherwise stated, Repeat each set 3 times

Set 1:
Chest Flys
Hammer Curls
Tricep Press
1 minute Step (run up and down)

Set 2:
Bench Press
Prison Squat*
Straight leg dead lift
1 minute step (side to side lunges)

Set 3:
Diagonal Hammer Curls
Walking Lunges (10 one way, 10 back)
Bicep Curls
Cardio (fast side to side knee lifts)

*these are squats, with arms behind your head, eyes on the ceiling

Tomorrow I am doing Stadiums, and going to Muscle conditioning.... not sure about a run, we'll see how much time I have.  We have a wedding to go to, so unless I squeeze the run in between stadiums and class, it probably won't happen.

I think that's that for now!  I hope everyone has a good weekend!  My goal is to stay on track and not let my weekend ruin all my hard work from this past week! I'll just keep this in mind.... ;)


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